Monday, November 06, 2006

You know how I love Pirates

CBS Seeks Treasure, Sets Sail with Cap't. Mark Burnett

CBS has ordered 13 episodes of a pirate-themed show from reality robber baron Mark Burnett. From Josef Adalian in Variety:

Details of the project are being kept under wraps. What is known is that the action in the skein will take place on both land and at sea, suggesting the presence of ships and islands as central characters in the unscripted drama.

Translated into piratese:

Arrr, what is known is that the action in the skein will take place on both land and at sea, suggestin' the presence o' ships and islands as central characters in the unscripted drama. Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!
Of course, when you think about it, the language of show business and the language of raiding and plundering is about the same.

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