Friday, October 06, 2006

General Session #1

This year the theme is Reveal. The question of the weekend, is what is God going to reveal about yourself to you or himself to you. . Ys is always good at loving the youth worker(s) at they just loving us.

Besides Marko and Tic on stage, a new person is working on the “woman in ministry front” at YS. It nice to see a new face, but I do hope we get to see Karla this week on stage.

David Crowder is great as always. Love having him and the boys on stage, David will leave us on Saturday night to return to his home church, You have to admire his desire to be at his home church each Sunday, but sad he will not be with us.

The main speaker at the 1st general session Buster Soareis, a Africa-American preached up a storm, I thought he did good, but mid afternoon is always my hardest to focus. The message in a sentence. Expect God to be a God who will do new things. Expect God to act differently than ever before.

The best part so far, is the convention center is free wireless.

Try to catch the front page of New York times articles on youth ministry and church.

1 comment:

tonymyles said...

I can't believe the whole place had free wi-fi... that's awesome!